Stories instead of Powerpoint presentations

Read quietly instead of presenting verbally

Amazon has now put an end to the rampant meeting culture. Instead of a soporific slide presentation, each session begins with... quiet reading. The participants receive a six-page memo from the chairperson of the session, which is based on a narrative structure and is called 'narrative' internally.

What makes a good memo?

In a letter to his shareholders dated May 22, 2022, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos explains what is the essential requirement for such a memo: sufficient time to write it. 1

In the words of Bezos: "The excellent memos are written and edited, shared with colleagues who are asked to improve the work, set aside for a few days, and then edited again with a fresh mind."

Writing is a team thing

By the way, for Jeff Bezos, writing is teamwork. Even when it comes to writing the six-page memo, "this is teamwork. Someone on the team has to have that ability, but it doesn't have to be you."

Storytelling beats PowerPoint

Ganz klar: Amazon setzt auf die Stärke von Storytelling. Keine noch so ausgefeilte Folienpräsentation ist nämlich in der Lage, Fakten und Zusammenhänge so intuitiv zu erläutern wie eine gute Geschichte. Es ist wohl nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis andere Unternehmen Amazon folgen.

Quelle: 1

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